Training Courses

Training Courses
Adobe Flash Action Scripting V3

Type: IT InstructorLed Courses
ActionScript is the official programming language of Adobe’s Flash platform. While originally conceived as a simple tool for controlling animation, ActionScript has since evolved into a sophisticated programming language for creating content and
applications for the Web.

Duration: 21
Location: EDITC & MMC Conference Center, 16 Imvrou Street, 1055 Nicosia
Language: Greek
Attendance: 4-16
Speaker: Maria Knais

1. Core Concepts
2. Conditionals and Loops
3. Instance Methods Revisited
4. Static Variables and Static Methods
5. Functions
6. Inheritance
7. Compiling and Running a Program
8. Datatypes and Type Checking
9. Interfaces
10. Statements and Operators
11. Arrays
12. Events and Event Handling
13. Exceptions and Error Handling
14. Garbage Collection
15. Dynamic ActionScript
16. Scope
17. Namespaces
18. XML and E4X
19. Flash Player Security Restrictions

Who Should Attend
•Web page developers, web designers

ActionScript is the official programming language of Adobe’s Flash platform. While originally conceived as a simple tool for controlling animation, ActionScript has since evolved into a sophisticated programming language for creating content and
applications for the Web.

This seminar will provides exhaustive coverage of the coreActionScript language, covering object-oriented programming, classes, objects, variables,methods, functions, inheritance, datatypes, arrays, events, exceptions, scope,namespaces, XML and Flash Player’s security architecture.

Knowledge of Adobe Flash is essential.

• Lecture
• Discussion
• Projects

1.Training material in English language
2. Personal Computers
3.Video Projector
4. Printer
5. Whiteboard and flip charts

1. Core Concepts
•Tools for Writing ActionScript Code
•Flash Client Runtime Environments
•Quick Review
•Classes and Objects
•Creating a Program
•Defining a Class
•Virtual Zoo Review
•Constructor Methods
•Creating Objects
•Variables and Values
•Constructor Parameters and Arguments
•Assigning One Variable’s Value to Another
•An Instance Variable for Our Pet
•Instance Methods
•Members and Properties
•Virtual Zoo Review

2. Conditionals and Loops
•Boolean Logic
•Back to Classes and Objects

3. Instance Methods Revisited
Omitting the this Keyword
•Bound Methods
•Using Methods to Examine and Modify an Object’s State
•Get and Set Methods
•Handling an Unknown Number of Parameters

4. Static Variables and Static Methods
•Static Variables
•Static Methods
•Class Objects
•C++ and Java Terminology Comparison

5. Functions
•Package-Level Functions
•Nested Functions
•Source-File-Level Functions
•Accessing Definitions from Within a Function
•Functions as Values
•Function Literal Recursive Functions
•Using Functions in the Virtual Zoo Program

6. Inheritance
•A Primer on Inheritance
•Overriding Instance Methods
•Constructor Methods in Subclasses
•Preventing Classes from Being Extended and Methods
•from Being Overridden

•Subclassing Built-in Classes
•The Theory of Inheritance
•Abstract Not Supported
•Using Inheritance in the Virtual Zoo Program
•Virtual Zoo Program Code
•It’s Runtime!

7. Compiling and Running a Program
•Compiling with the Flash Authoring Tool
•Compiling with Flex Builder 2
•Compiling with mxmlc
•Compiler Restrictions
•The Compilation Process and the Classpath
•Strict-Mode Versus Standard-Mode Compilation
•The Fun’s Not Over

8. Datatypes and Type Checking
•Datatypes and Type Annotations
•Untyped Variables, Parameters, Return Values, and Expressions
•Strict Mode’s Three Special Cases
•Warnings for Missing Type Annotations
•Detecting Reference Errors at Compile Time
•Conversion to Primitive Types
•Default Variable Values
•null and undefined
•Datatypes in the Virtual Zoo
•More Datatype Study Coming Up

9. Interfaces
•The Case for Interfaces
•Interfaces and Multidatatype Classes
•Interface Syntax and Use
•Another Multiple-Type Example
•More Essentials Coming

10. Statements and Operators

11. Arrays
•What Is an Array?
•The Anatomy of an Array
•Creating Arrays
•Referencing Array Elements
•Determining the Size of an Array
•Adding Elements to an Array
•Removing Elements from an Array
•Checking the Contents of an Array with the toString( ) Method
•Multidimensional Arrays

12. Events and Event Handling
•ActionScript Event Basics
•Accessing the Target Object
•Accessing the Object That Registered the Listener
•Preventing Default Event Behavior
•Event Listener Priority
•Event Listeners and Memory Management
•Custom Events
•Type Weakness in ActionScript’s Event Architecture
•Handling Events Across Security Boundaries

13. Exceptions and Error Handling
•The Exception-Handling Cycle
•Handling Multiple Types of Exceptions
•Exception Bubbling
•The finally Block
•Nested Exceptions
•Control-Flow Changes in try/catch/finally
•Handling a Built-in Exception
•More Gritty Work Ahead

14. Garbage Collection
•Eligibility for Garbage Collection
•Incremental Mark and Sweep
•Disposing of Objects Intentionally
•Deactivating Objects
•Garbage Collection Demonstration
•On to ActionScript Backcountry

15. Dynamic ActionScript
•Dynamic Instance Variables
•Dynamically Adding New Behavior to an Instance
•Dynamic References to Variables and Methods
•Using Dynamic Instance Variables to Create Lookup Tables
•Using Functions to Create Objects
•Using Prototype Objects to Augment Classes
•The Prototype Chain

16. Scope
•Global Scope
•Class Scope
•Static Method Scope
•Instance Method Scope
•Function Scope
•Scope Summary
•The Internal Details
•Expanding the Scope Chain via the with Statement
•On to Namespaces

17. Namespaces
•Namespace Vocabulary
•ActionScript Namespaces
•Creating Namespaces
•Using a Namespace to Qualify Variable and Method Definitions
•Qualified Identifiers
•A Functional Namespace Example
•Namespace Accessibility
•Qualified-Identifier Visibility
•Comparing Qualified Identifiers
•Assigning and Passing Namespace Values
•Open Namespaces and the use namespace Directive
•Namespaces for Access-Control Modifiers
•Applied Namespace Examples
•Final Core Topics

18. XML and E4X
•Understanding XML Data as a Hierarchy
•Representing XML Data in E4X
•Creating XML Data with E4X
•Accessing XML Data
•Processing XML with for-each-in and for-in
•Accessing Descendants
•Filtering XML Data
•Traversing XML Trees
•Changing or Creating New XML Content
•Loading XML Data
•Working with XML Namespaces
•Converting XML and XMLList to a String
•Determining Equality in E4X

19. Flash Player Security Restrictions
•What’s Not in This Chapter
•The Local Realm, the Remote Realm, and Remote Regions
•Security Generalizations Considered Harmful
•Restrictions on Loading Content, Accessing Content as Data,
•Cross-Scripting, and Loading Data
•Socket Security
•Example Security Scenarios
•Choosing a Local Security-Sandbox-Type
•Distributor Permissions (Policy Files)
•Creator Permissions (allowDomain( )
•Import Loading
•Handling Security Violations
•Security Domains
•Two Common Security-Related Development Issues

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