Unit 1: General Interface
- How the panels work
- Docking
- Panel groups
- Document tabbing
- Creating/Saving workspaces
- The Application bar
- N-up display
- Canvas Rotation
- Basic shortcuts
Unit 2: Exploring InDesign
- Explore the InDesign Environment
- Using InDesign Workspaces
- Explore Adobe Bridge
- InDesign Preferences
Unit 3: InDesign Overview
- Introduction to InDesign - what is InDesign for
- Customize Your Workspace
- Set General Preferences
- Manage Document Presets
- Managing your workspace
Unit 4: Designing Documents
- Create a New Document
- Alter a Document's Layout
- Create the Structure of a Document
- Developing Master Pages
- Manage Text and Graphic Placement
- Develop Layers
- Wrapping text
- Laying out columns
- Smart guides and smart spacing
Unit 5: Managing text
- Add Text - typing and placing
- Editing Text with and without the story editor
- Spell Check and dictionaries
- Threading Text
- Change Text Threads
- Format Characters
- Format Paragraphs
- Manage Styles
- Glyphs - where they are and how to use them
- Text inside and on a shape
Unit 6: Style Sheets
- Paragraph Styles
- Character Styles
- Managing Styles
Unit 7: Columns
- Making a text box into columns
- Column guides
- Creating boxes as columns
- Laying out a page/spread as columns
- Placing Images
- Placing images
- Image file type - jpgs/gif/tiff/pdf/eps/etc
- Linking vs Embedding
- Placing psd and ai files
- Place options
Unit 8: Placing text
- Placing several pages of text
- What text file formats can be placed
- Place options
- Missing font issues
- Automatic flowing of placed text
Unit 9: Colours, Swatches, and Gradients
- Colour and Kuler
- Swatches
- Apply Fills, Gradients, and Strokes to objects and text
- Applying effects
- Transparency
Unit 10: Tables
- Create Tables
- Modifying Tables
- Formatting Tables
Unit 11: Masters
- Creating masters
- Multiple masters
- Editing masters
- Headers/Footers
- Page numbering
- Reparing a document for print
- Checking Documents for Problems
- Printing a Document
- Preflighting a document
- Packaging Files
- Preview Output
Unit 11: Creating PDFs
- Preparing PDF Files for web and for print
- Managing PDF Presets
- Export PDF Files – options
- Creating Interactive PDFs
- Basic object editing
Unit 12: Creating basic shapes
- Editing shapes
- Pathfinder
- Applying effects to a shape
- Object styles
Unit 13: Basic overview of using InDesign within
- How to use InDesign with Photoshop
- How to use InDesign with Illustrator
Unit 14: OpenType
- What is an OpenType font
- Why use OpenType fonts
- OpenType fonts and their variations
- Glyphs
- Fractions, where are they and how to create them
Unit 15: More about Masters
- Masters upon masters
- Section breaks and numbering
- Overriding master items